
I love my work and find it incredibly rewarding because I have the privilege of witnessing people heal, grow and transform.

Professional Qualifications

Registered Psychologist with the College of Psychologists of British Columbia #1147

Ph.D. and M.A. in Clinical Psychology from Simon Fraser University, BC

NSERC 1967 Science and Engineering Scholarship

B.A., First Class Honours from Saint Francis Xavier University, Nova Scotia
University Gold Medal

Qualified as an Expert in Psychology and EMDR in the Supreme Court of British Columbia

Certified Therapist in EMDR

Advanced Training in Lifespan Integration

Certified Practitioner of Advanced Energy Psychology (EDxTM)

Advanced Training in Group Dynamics and Psychodrama

Ph.D. Dissertation
Patterns in Women’s Development: Interrelationships Among Attachment, Identity and Cognitive Sophistication

Published as: MacKinnon, J.L  & Marcia, J.E. Concurring patterns of women’s identity status, attachment styles and understanding of children’s development. International Journal of Behavioral Development. 2002, 26(1), 70-80.

Professional Associations

College of Psychologists of British Columbia
British Columbia Psychological Association
EMDR International Association
EMDR Association of Canada

For more information about Psychologists please refer to the FAQ page on the British Columbia Psychological Association website.

Personal Interests and Background

When I’m not working I’m spending time with my family and friends and I enjoy being in nature. I love to cross-country ski, hike, garden, bike, camp, watch movies, and read novels. I love to travel and explore countries with cultures and eco-systems that are very different from our own.

All photos by Joanne MacKinnon (except headshot, by Ronald Lee).